martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

ENTREVISTA - Luke Roberts sobre Holby City

El actor inglés Luke Roberts realizó esta entrevista al programa matinal "This Morning", de la cadena británica ITV, el 13 de enero de 2009. El actor acudía para hablar de "A Clean Slate" (episodio  14, temporada 11), de la serie Holby City. Su personaje "Joseph Byrne" estaba involucrado por entonces con el personaje de Patsy, "Faye Morton" y su ex, "Jac Naylor" (la actriz Rosie Marcel). El vídeo con la entrevista dura unos ocho minutos y está subido en Youtube: 

 Recientemente, conseguí que un compañero/a de Youtube (mazziimoon)  me pasara la transcripción al inglés de la entrevista, a cambio de que yo le pasara un determinado capítulo de Holby. Así que aquí dejo el texto de la entrevista en inglés (otro día intentaré traducirla).

Interviewer: Well, Luke Roberts, who plays Holby's Dr. Joseph Byrne joins us now, and we were just saying as we watched that through, you know, she's a wrong'n.
Luke: Indeed.
Interviewer: She's not right, you've described her as evil!
Luke: Have I?
Interviewer: Yes, you have, to our researcher.
Luke: Yeah, no, she is! Possibly! No, she is very much a wrong'n. And by the appearance of this, Faye is a right'n.
Interviewer: Is she?
Luke: Yes, but is she though?
Interviewer: Ooooh!
Luke: No, they're sort of um, Joseph's got his work cut out, he's sort of stuck between two potential  femme s fetales. At the moment she's looking fairly wholesome, but she has a dark, murky past, also.
Interviewer: But, from tonight's episode, which, how much of it can we discuss do you think?
Luke: All of it!
Interviewer: Oh great, ok, here we go. Because tonight is the night of Faye son's christening.
Luke: Absolutely.
Interviewer: And she's asked you to be godfather, even though the pair of you have agreed the relationship is off and over and you're just going to be friends. Which was decided over a jar of pickles I think.
Luke: Of course, as it normally is!
Interviewer: Yes, any relationship problems, we pull out the piccalilli! Then you can say afterwards, we were in a right old pickle!
Luke: Indeed you can! Yes, so at the moment they're having a trues and yeah, he's agreed to be the godparent to Archie, Faye's son in the show, and it all looks good, but of course, there would be no drama without a crisis, so at the beginning, at the top of tonight's episode, Joseph's caught in the middle of an operation, it's a life and death situation, Jac is gently sipping a cappuccino rather than answering his pages to come and rescue him, so he can go to the christening, as a result, he doesn't show up, and she hands it over to someone else. Someone else becomes the godparent. Yes, so he's less than happy at the beginning of it. It's just another bad day at Holby City for Joseph.
Interviewer: But where that kiss comes in, where he almost kisses Jac, and then he walks away and snogs Faye.
Luke: That's my favourite part!
Interviewer: Well, if you see Patsy Kensit, I'd want to snog her! It's one of those things! Well, I wouldn't, but you know what I mean. Yeah, think about that, there we go.
Luke: I think we all are!
Interviewer: But, um, it would suggest that you and Faye are going to patch things up and perhaps make a go of it.
Luke: Yes, um, certainly, although it's going to be a rocky road to the alter is suspect.
Interviewer: Is it going to end at the alter?
Luke: Well, I don't know, I'm not sure how much I can say, I think that's the trajectory.
Interviewer: I like the fact that you say, I mean, he is on time, Joseph Byrne is on time, which is something that you are not. We are lucky you were here on time this morning.
Luke: That's true, I'm not sure I was this morning actually!
Interviewer: Were you late?
Luke: I was even late this morning! Fortunately, there's a cushion of sort of, two hours or something.
Interviewer: There is on this program. And also you say that he is honest and moraly upright, which you would like to be.
Luke: Yes, it doesn't mean I'm not moral and ..
Interviewer: Well, it does to me!
Luke: Well, I just, It's something I hope we all aspire to be!
Interviewer: Are you honest, are you an honest person?
Luke: Yes, I think so! Yes, I was well brought up. Um, yeah, you've stumped me, that's excellent!
Interviewer: I'm merely quoting back your own words!
Luke: Yes, I think that was a discussion about how close I am to the character, and I think that there's definitely a few cross over points, but essentially, you know, he's a pretty fastidious guy, and he's very good, very punctual, and a perfectionist, which in some aspects I am, but in my own life I'm a mess.
Interviewer: Well, it was the OCD that initially attracted you to that character wasn't it?
Luke: Absolutly, it's a great handle for an actor, to have something like that, and I hope that it's informed the character generally and so I've sort of developed and obsessive -- compulsive personalty disorder, for the character, not in my own life, although I did check the gas about four times before I left the house.
Interviewer: But that's just common sense. I understand that you are now so emersed in being a doctor that you have turned into a bit of a hypochondriac ..
Luke: This is true, and a bit of a ....
Interviewer: And, would like to dignose your friends with very violent illnesses.
Interviewer: Yes, absolutely, if I hear any weezing after a heavy night, it's a pulmonary oedema, where else do you go! Yeah, it's true, it just makes you a little bit paranoid, because as a doctor in the show, you're treating endless patients, of course with some dramatic liscence, they're quite extreme cases, you often have very young patients coming in, and by young I mean, sort of, early 30's, and ...
Interviewer: So, a similar age to yourself!
Luke: Well, quite, and they come in and they have some terrible scenarios, but it's drama so ...
Interviewer: But the cure is the baked apple!
Luke: Yes, it is, I was hoping you were going to bring this up, my mother stews apples, a lot, just occasionally, when I was a child, you're right, when I was a baby, there was a scenario, I lost a lot of weight, which would have been great when I was a teenager, which didn't happen, but yeah, when I was very little, I lost a lot of weight, I was obviously at death's door, none of the doctors knew what it was, and he happened to see this scenario that was very similar, and he recommended stewed apple, and my mother, being a good mum, dutifully whipped some up, and I ate it, and was fed on that for a few months, and recovered.
Interviewer: There'll be doctors all over the country now, throwing down they're remotes ...
Luke: I hope they're at work!
Interviewer: That's what it is, and it's in the writings, it's in the British law! An apple a day ... Keeps the doctor away!
Interviewer 2: It's incredible, what a discovery!
Luke: Miracualous.
Interviewer: And you've been healthy ever since, a paranoid, hypochondriac, but you have been healthy ever since!
Luke: Yes, and I get to kiss Patsy Kensit on a weekly bases so it's a recipe for good ....
Interviewer: That can't be bad! And how is patsy?
Luke: Very good, yeah, she's lovely, she's ...
Interviewer:Will you give her our love?
Luke: Of course I will do, she's a sweet, sweet lady, and I'm just sorry she's having to have a costume fitting at the moment so she couldn't be here ...
Interviewer: Costume fitting for a wedding dress? Thank you very much indeed, we'll be glued to Holby City tonight as usual.

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